
For ALL Who Want to Enhance Brain Power AT ANY AGE(R)

Decades of reading, writing, and teaching evolving neuroscience has been a gift which is greatly appreciated!

Enriching Heredity is the title of a book by Marian Diamond, the mother of neuroplasticity. A tsunami of subsequent research has shown that Dr. Diamond was prescient in predicting that human can continue improving our brain chemistry, architecture, and performance across a vigorous longevity into centenarian status.

Additional good news is that “enriching heredity” can be influenced in ways that improve physical, cognitive, emotional, and social health. Perhaps we can also have more peaceful coexistence.

Hacking neuroplasticity can culturally adapt, facilitate, and expedite enriching heredity for all for benefits in health, career, and business.

MarkSumpterHeadshotDr. Joyce’s program has done more for my cognition, mood, & career success in one week than any other program has done for me in a year!”

~Mark Sumpter, Founder – The Wealth College, Inc.