
JAL | Free Full-Text | Enhancing Neuroplasticity Is Urgent: Music and Dance for the UN/WHO Decade of Action for Healthy Ageing for All (

Shaffer J (2016) Neuroplasticity and Clinical Practice: Building Brain Power for Health, Front Psychol. 2016 Jul 26:7:1118. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01118. eCollection 2016.

Shaffer J (2021) Centenarians, Supercentenarians: We Must Develop New Measurements Suitable for Our Oldest Old, Front Psychol. 2021 Apr 7:12:655497.  doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.655497.

New book

Hacking Neuroplasticity: How AI Can Help Your Healthy Aging Brain available for preorder at a discounted price in October 2024

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This book will change lives of millions of people, giving them awareness particularly in the third world countries where there is less research and knowledge. Works like this encourage people to transform their lives for prevention, delay onset and reverse dementia for a healthy brain.

Dr Irfan Gul Magsi,


Member of Parliament

Minister for Revenue and Religion Affairs Government of Pakistan

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Dr. Joyce Shaffer, PhD for the past 8 years through Music Mends Minds’ Global Initiative Platform. As we partnered to spread the joy of music to our aging population affected by neurodegenerative disorders, it has become evident that Dr. Shaffer’s lifetime of scientific expertise highlights her as a trailblazer in substantiating the role of arts on brain health. Our collaboration of science and music has uplifted the quality of lives for our seniors, and this book is a gift with information to help you elevate your brain function.

Carol Rosenstein

President and Founder of Music Mends Minds

Proud Member of Westwood Village Rotary Club, District 5280

Dr. Joyce offers a comprehensive and groundbreaking exploration of our brain’s incredible plasticity and the science behind positive aging. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in the latest advancements in neuroscience and how to apply them for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Kelley Keehn

Best-selling author of 11 books, including Talk Money to Me

Dr. Shaffer’s wise and insightful book illuminates her depth of expertise and passion for sharing sound and proven guidance for those of us who wish to spend a more productive, fulfilling, and enjoyable life with a song in our hearts throughout our senior years.

John Kander II

Executive Director

Music Mends Minds

“Joyce Shaffer’s chapter on Neurobics reveals her mastery of the subject of neuroplasticity. It covers the literature on the impact of music and dance on the agility of the aging or injured brain, and remains eminently readable, for scientist and layperson alike.”

Anne Fanning, MD

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta

WHO Medical Officer for Global TB Education from 1998 to 1999

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